If a Soil Sample is Too Dry
The easiest way to check the soil is to put a stick down the drainage pipe. If the soil feels hard or if there is no soil that adheres to the stick 48 hours after the tree was previously watered, then that indicates that the soil is too dry. That is an indication that not enough gallons were previously applied and once the tree is ready to be watered again then the gallons should be increased. If we aren’t sure of how many gallons were applied the previous watering then we will need to create a new baseline before we start to deviate from our watering guidelines (start with step 1). For all customers that know how many gallons were applied the previous watering then proceed to step 3.
Step 1: Make sure that the correct number of gallons are being targeted by answering the questions on our watering calculator page. This will generate a chart showing the exact number of gallons that should be applied per watering and the frequency of the waterings. At the time of the next watering ensure that the proper number of gallons are applied per our guidelines.
Step 2: Collect another soil sample 48 hours after the tree is watered. If the soil sample is still too dry then proceed to step 3. If the soil has a Play-Doh like texture (soft, moist, pliable and cool to the touch) then the correct number of gallons were applied and the watering scheduled can be repeated.
Step 3: At the time of the next watering we need to increase the next watering by 10% (total gallons of previous application x 1.1 = 10% increase).
Step 4: Collect another soil sample 48 hours after the tree is watered.
Step 5: If the soil sample is still too dry then steps 3 and 4 will need to be repeated until a Play-Doh like texture has been obtained 48 hours after each watering. Once the soil has a Play-Doh like texture (soft, moist, pliable and cool to the touch) then the correct number of gallons has been determined and this new watering schedule can be repeated in accordance with our watering frequency.
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