Tree Finder
Merlot Redbud
Merlot Redbud
Scientific Name: Cercis x 'Merlot'
Average Growth Rate is 1’ Foot Per YearMature Size 15' Tall x 15' Wide

Part shade
No it doesn't have acorns
New leaves are burgundy and then transition to a dark green by summer
Beautiful Lavender-Pink Flowers are Produced in the SpringLeaves are Smaller than a typical Eastern Redbud.
New Leaves have a Beautiful Wine Color
More drought tolerant than Eastern Redbuds
The Merlot Redbud was selected by Dr. Dennis Werner from North Carolina State University in 2004 from 2nd generation descendants of a cross between a Texas White Redbud (Cercis canadensis var. texensis ‘Texas White’) and a Forest Pansy Redbud (Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’). The goal was to develop a redbud that had small glossy leaves and semi-upright growth habit of a like a Texas White Redbud but also have purple leaves like a Forest Pansy and that was accomplished. When compared to a Forest Pansy, the Merlot have lavender flowers as compared to purple flowers on a Forest Pansy. The leaves are smaller, thicker and glossier than that of a Forest Pansy which it gets from the Texas White Redbud. The Merlot are also more compact and upright than Forest Pansy which it gets from the Texas White Redbud. Before any leaves are produced in the spring, they produce beautiful, lavender colored flowers which are then followed by glossy dark purple colored heat shaped leaves. In the summer the leaves the leaves fade to a dark green color with a hint of purple which remain until they turn yellow in the fall.
Name | Container Size |
Trunk Width |
Tree Height |
Canopy Width |
Delivered & Planted Price |
Delivered Only/ Pickup Price |
Row #'s | Buy |
Merlot | 15g | .75 - 1.25 in | 5.5-7 ft | 3-3.5 ft | $315.00 | $205.00 | 195 | Add to cart |
Merlot | 30g | 1.25 - 2.0 in | 6.5-8 ft | 2.5-4 ft | $475.00 | $309.00 | 194 | Add to cart |
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