Welcome Spring with a Cleveland Select Pear

February 13, 2017

Along with the Daffodils, Crocus, and Hyacinth flowers the Cleveland Select Pear Tree announces the arrival of Spring for many North Texans. Beautiful white blossoms coat the canopy  for several weeks making this tree a show stopper. The flowers are also a great source of food for hungry pollinators in early Spring. The gorgeous install image above was provided for our blog by Chris Spellacy at Spellacy’s Turf-Lawn, Inc.

Cleveland Select Pear - Photographer unknown
Cleveland Select Pear in Spring

Many people are familiar with Bradford Pears, but unfortunately Cleveland Select Pears are not as well know. They should be as Clevelands do not have the branch splitting issues that the Bradford Pears have. Clevelands grow more upright allowing the tree to support it’s weight proportionally, while Bradfords split at about 15 years old.

Clevelands have a soft oval canopy shape, and are the perfect size tree for frontyards and backyards. They have a generous growth habit of 3′ per year, and at maturity they can grow to 35′ Tall x 25′ Wide making it one of the smaller shade trees available.

Below is a picture of one we delivered and planted in 2016. Following the flower blossoms the tree fills with glossy round leaves. I just had Bob order 15 of them in for us just in time for Spring. Buds are already forming on them. The Cleveland Select Pear trees we have in stock are $295 planted or $221 if picked up for a 8-9′ tall 30 gallon. That’s the only size we have in stock, but they are fast growing and will shoot up to a large tree in no time.

Cleveland Select Pear Tree installed by Treeland

Another feature of the Cleveland is the stunning fall color that ranges from orange to red at its peak. I took the picture below in Frisco Texas which captures the very start of Fall coloring on Clevelands.

Cleveland Select Pear - Starting to turn it's Fall colors. Frisco, TX
Cleveland Select Pear – Starting to turn it’s Fall colors. Frisco, TX

Call Treeland Nursery today at 972-372-4737 or visit the farm to get your Cleveland Select Pear tree ordered today! Available only while quantities last as we do not sell this tree all year round.


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