The Vitex Tree – A North Texas Favorite

June 24, 2020

The Vitex aka Chaste Tree is a crowd favorite for North Texas, and it has one of the longest blooming seasons for flowering trees in Texas. Beautiful lilac purple blooms that are extremely fragrant, adorn the Vitex ‘Shoal Creek’ tree shown below from late May to September. The blooms are irresistible to pollinators of all sorts including; bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Vitex naturally grown as large multi stemmed shrubs that maintain fairly dense, symmetrical and rounded canopies. We also currently have some vitex that we have trained/shaped to only have 1 single trunk, but they are more rare as they take a lot of work to train before being sold.

Vitex trees do not drop any fruit, there are no known insects that feed on them, they have no known diseases, and they do not require any special soil when planted in North Texas. They can tolerate most soil conditions, provided they are well drained. Vitex will need to be planted in location with full sun in order to flourish and bloom. The Vitex is also proudly designated as a Texas Superstar Shrub by Texas A&M University.

At Treeland Nursery, we sell the  Vitex ‘Shoal Creek’ which is a cultivar was selected for it vigorous growth habit, large flower spikes and it produces the best lilac purple flowers.

Vitex trees work in just about any landscape design as long as full sun is permitted. Checkout some more of our installs below for inspiration.

They are a fabulous tree for Texas and a great accent to any landscape. We planted around 6 new ones at the farm as well as 12 on my land out in the country and 3 in my “city” yard. I honestly can’t get enough. If you would like to learn more about the Vitex trees we offer please visit our website, or feel free to call 972.372.4737 or email us at with any questions.


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2 thoughts on “The Vitex Tree – A North Texas Favorite”

  1. Hi, thank you for sharing the info about this Vitex tree. We currently have one growing like a bush next to our house on the side of our driveway. Seeing how tall of a tree this Vitex bush can grow into, we are somewhat concerned of its root might cause foundation damage to our house and concrete beneath our driveway. Would you suggest us to move it further away from the house?

    1. Hi LL, The Vitex will be similar to Crape myrtle trees and depending on which Vitex variety you got some stay more dwarf size as well. The Shoal Creeks can get up to 14′ tall at maturity but the Delta Blues only get about 10′ tall. I do not find the roots to be concerning near a house. – Denise

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